Tech Support

MMA Tech Support

BCPS IT Help Desk:
Call: 443-809-4672 or 
Click here for IT Tickets

Monday - Friday

7:00am - 4:15pm
Milford Mill Academy

AP Administrator: Mr. Long

Ms. Schober - Room 254
Ms. Lawrence- Library 
Ms. Smith- Room 251

Schedule an Appointment Here

Steps for Device Issues:

  1. Physical Damage/Lost/Stolen/Non-physical damage that prevent use of device:

    • For All Issues above:  Use the MMA Bookings system to schedule an appointment with one of the school tech liaisons.
    • Tech liaison's locations are:
      • Ms. Schober - Room 254
      • Ms. Lawrence- Library
      • Ms. Smith- Office 251
      • Mr. Long- Office 247
    • Select a time that fits your schedule and confirm the booking.


  2. Attend the Appointment:

    • Arrive on time with your device and any necessary information.
    • Follow the instructions provided by the IT staff to resolve your issue. 
    • Damages to devices can incur fine from $30-$200.

Login Issues:

For any login issues please call BCPS IT Help Desk as they will be able to reset or resolve login issues over the phone.