Tech FAQ

MMA Tech Support FAQ


  1. I am a new student and need a device, who do I contact?
    You need to schedule an appointment with MMA tech support to pick up your new device. If you were in a Baltimore County school before, your device from the previous school should come with you to Milford. Please not that we cannot return a device that not from a Baltimore County school.  Any device from the city or surrounding counties will need to be returned to the appropriate source by the student.

  2. Are there fines associated with broken/lost/stolen devices and chargers?
    Yes, broken/lost/stolen devices and or charges do have a fine.  See the chart below for fine levels. You can pay the fines on Milford's OSP webpage.

Tier Examples Cost
 Tier 1  Missing keys
Peeling trackpad
Minor chassels/case damage
Broken Camera
Lost/Broken Charger
 Tier 2 Moderate chassis/case damage
Multiple Tier 1 items
 Tier 3 Damaged touchscreen
Major chassis/case damage
Combined Tier 1 & Tier 2 damage
 Tier 4 Total Chromebook loss Including:
  • Fluid Damage
  • Destruction
  • Loss/Theft due to preventable circumstances

Combine Tier 1, 2, & 3 damage resulting in major damage

 No Observable Damage  Student reports device inoperable, but no damage is visible.  Assigned by DoIT after evaluation of device.
  1. What should I do if I forget my device password?
    You can ask any of your teachers to look up your password in Focus. Teachers who do not have you as a current student are unable to see your password. If it still isn't working, you'll need to call the BCPS help desk at 443-809-4672 to have them reset your password.

  2. How do I connect my device to the school Wi-Fi?
    Please refer to the guide titled "Connecting Chromebook to Wi-Fi" for detailed instructions.

  3. What should I do if my device won't turn on?
    First, verify that your charger is working by testing it on a friend’s device or borrowing another charger to see if the issue is with the charger. If the charger is the problem, make an appointment with MMA tech support to swap it out for a new one. If the device is physically damaged, you must complete a BCPS IT Ticket, then schedule an appointment with MMA tech support. If there is no physical damage, you can simply make an appointment with MMA tech support.

  4. What should I do if my device is not charging?
    Please refer to the steps mentioned in the answer above.

  5. What should I do if my screen is frozen or unresponsive?
    Hold down the power button to perform a hard restart. If the problem continues and there is no physical damage to the device, schedule an appointment with MMA tech support.

  6. What should I do if my device is physically damaged?
    Call 443-809-4672 or go online to BCPS IT Tickets to submit a ticket for the device. Then schedule an appointment with MMA tech support to have your device replaced. Please note that damages to a device will incur up to a $375 fine. See chart above. You may not be able to get a new device until the fine has been paid through Milford OSP.

  7. What should I do if my device is lost or stolen?
    For a lost device, you will need to call 443-809-4672 or go online to BCPS IT Tickets and report the device as lost. Then, make an appointment with MMA tech support to get a new device and complete a BCPS lost/stolen form. For a stolen device, the steps are the same, but you will also need to present a police report to have the device marked as stolen. Lost and stolen devices can incur a $200 fine.

  8. What should I do if my device keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi?
    Click on the network, then select "Forget network." After that, go back in, re-enter your credentials, and reconnect to the Wi-Fi.

  9. How do I change or reset my account password?
    If you need to reset your password, call 443-809-4672 (BCPS help desk). Do not submit the request online, as it will take longer. The help desk can change your password over the phone in minutes.

  10. How do I schedule an appointment for tech support?
    MMA tech support is using Bookings this year to schedule appointments. Go to the booking page and select the problem, teacher, and time that works for you. You can make an appointment up to 7 days in advance.

  11. Where can I find the BCPS IT Tech ticket system?
    You can search for "BCPS IT Support" to go to their main page or click here.

  12. Who do I contact for general tech support questions?
    You may schedule an appointment with MMA tech support for general questions, or you can email Ms. Schober at [email protected] or Ms. Lawrence at [email protected].

  13. Can I walk in for tech support without an appointment?
    No, the tech liaisons are teachers and have different teaching periods along with other duties. Any student who comes outside their scheduled time will be turned away.