Baltimore County Public Schools

Registration Requirements

Please note:

  • Completing the virtual registration allows us to begin the registration process, however, your child will not be registered until all required documents are submitted

    (see page 1, Required Registration Documents checklist)

  • Only a parent (listed on birth certificate) or legal guardian (by court order) may register a child
  • All names and addresses must match on all documents provided
  • Screen shots of online documents are not accepted

  • Acceptable documents for verification of domicile for homeowners:

    Deed or deed of trust that has all required signatures


  • Settlement sheet that has all required signatures
  • Title that has all required signatures
  • Mortgage coupon book or current mortgage statement
  • Real estate tax bill or receipt for current year

    Acceptable documents for verification of domicile for renters:

  • Original, current lease, current lease with lease renewal (if applicable), or rental agreement from a real estate management company or commercial lessor for residential dwelling located in Baltimore County, along with all required signatures.
  • Lease or rental agreement from a private party owner. The private party owner must establish ownership as outlined in homeowner documents above.
  • NOTE: Expired leases or month to month leases require a signed and dated note from the landlord confirming that the lease is still current.


If the parent or legal guardian is not the homeowner or leaseholder, see Shared Domicile Application.


If you are not the homeowner and/or your name is not listed as a leaseholder and you share a residence with another person, you must request a Shared Domicile Application through the Pupil Personnel Worker. Please contact Pupil Personnel Services in the Office of School Climate for an application and an appointment to verify residency, 443-809-0404. Shared Domicile Applications must be renewed every year.

Exception: If you are married to the property owner, proof of marriage may be submitted to confirm residency along with required verification of domicile documents for homeowners.


Acceptable pieces of mail, dated within 60 days and include parent/guardian’s name and address:

  • Federal or state income tax return for the tax year immediately preceding enrollment
  • W-2 form for the current year
  • Paycheck/paystub stating name and address 
  • Correspondence addressed to the parent(s) from an office of a federal, state, or local county governmental agency
  • Charge account/credit card billing statement
  • Bank account statement
  • Gas and electric bill
  • Cable bill
  • Voter’s registration card
  • Motor vehicle administration vehicle registration
  • Driver’s license, Maryland identification card, or age of majority card issued by the Maryland Motor vehicle Administration only when document has not been used to verify proof of parent identity
  • Change of address notification from the United States Postal Service
  • Court documents
  • Government-issued license and/or professional certificate
  • First-class mail from a business or agency
  • Health center mailing
  • Mailing from a Baltimore County public school or office
  • A statement written on company letterhead from the parent’s employer which verifies the parent’s current address


All registrations for non-resident students, homeless students, students in an agency placed foster care, students in kinship care or family hardship care must be approved by the Pupil Personnel Worker prior to enrollment. Contact  Pupil Personnel Services in the Office of School Climate, 443-809-0404.

Magnet program enrollment is determined through an application and admission process.  For information regarding this process, please contact the school’s magnet coordinator, or refer to the Magnet Programs Website on under Offices of Innovative Learning and Educational Options.


A parent shall notify his/her child’s school of any change in domicile or hardship condition as soon as the change occurs. Failure to notify the school within fifteen (15) business days of occurrence may result in the student being withdrawn from school and the parent or guardian may be financially liable for tuition.

Residency matters will be referred to the Office of Pupil Personnel Services for investigation.


If a student is found to be fraudulently enrolled in a Baltimore County public school, the school will issue a letter notifying the parent that the student will be withdrawn in fifteen (15) business days; the letter will advise the parent of his/her right to appeal the finding. The parent or guardian shall be financially liable for tuition for the entire time of fraudulent enrollment or attendance, no tuition waiver shall be granted.



All requirements outlined here are a summary of requirements in Rule 5150 found on the BCPS Policies and Rules website. If you have any questions about the registration requirements or enrollment process, please contact your home school.