Name of Club: S.A.A.D Students Against Destructive Decisions
Sponsor/s: Mr. Mellerson and Ms. Bateman
Meeting Times/Location: 2:30pm Room 207 First Wednesdays
Summary about club/organization: For 35 years, SADD has been the leading organization committed to saving lives by empowering teens to stand strong against destructive decisions.
Since its foundation, SADD has impacted the lives of millions: students, friends, parents, school & community leaders, law enforcement officials, and more! Because motor vehicular crashes remain the number one killer of teens today, until statistics change, SADD’s core focus will remain traffic safety; however, the issues that teens face on a daily basis have expanded. In 1997, SADD expanded its mission to include other emerging issues, such as substance abuse, suicide, depression, bullying, violence, body image, and more. SADD does its best to equip students with the best, most effective resources to take the lead on the issues that matter to them.
How to join: Come to a meeting or see one of the sponsors Mr. Mellerson 211 or Ms. Bateman 207.