
MMA Office of School Counseling

Student Attendance Monitoring Program

(Adopted from BCPS Rule and Policy 5120: Enrollment and Attendance)

The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board) believes that there is a significant relationship between regular school attendance, student achievement, and the completion of school. Therefore, the Board believes that it is essential that all schools give special emphasis to implementing and communicating to parents and students the school system’s attendance policy.

All students are expected to attend school regularly and may be excused from class or school only for reasons specified in state regulation or as authorized by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The parent/guardian or person, who otherwise has legal custody, care, or control of a child, shall ensure that the child attends school. Students are expected to maintain satisfactory attendance at the state standard off 94%.

Please find below the lawful absences as outlined by the State of Maryland:

  • Death in the immediate family.
  • Illness of the student.
  • Court Summons.
  • Hazardous weather conditions.
  • Work approved.
  • Observance of religious holiday.
  • State emergency.
  • Other emergency.
  • Health exclusion.
  • Suspension.
  • Lack of authorized transportation.

NOTES REGARDING ABSENCES: (Must be submitted to the Attendance Monitor)

  • Must be submitted no later than five days after the return to school. Keep in mind that make-up work for legitimate absences does not have to be provided until proper documentation is received within that time.
  • If the absence is extensive (as determined by the school), a note from a physician will be required.
  • Any absence or tardy not noted by the parent/guardian WILL BE marked unlawful. ABSENCE NOTES AFTER 5 DAYS DO NOT HAVE TO BE ACCEPTED ACCORDING TO THE RULE.



  • It is the student or parent/guardian’s responsibility to request missed assignments for each lawful absence.
  • Students absent for unlawful reasons are not entitled to make-up work.
  • This does not apply to suspended students. Make-up work will be allowed in accordance with state regulation and Board policy and Superintendent’s rule 5560.


  • Any person who has legal custody or care and control of a child who is five years old or under 18 on or after July 1, 2017, shall see that the child attends school regularly… unless otherwise exempted from attendance as provided by state law.
  • BCPS and Milford Mill Academy will hold the parent/guardian accountable for the attendance of a child and may file charges in district court against a parent/guardian who fails to see that the child attends school or receives instruction under the Maryland Compulsory Attendance Law.



When does school start? When does it end?

  • Class begins at 7:45 and ends at 2:30. Students are late to school and first period at 7:45 am.

    Can I send an absence note in December for absences back in October?

  • That will not be acceptable from this school year moving forward.

    When is the latest time to pick-up a student for early dismissal?

  • 2:20 pm.